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Tianjin LiChengDa Chemicals Co

企 业 名 称:Tianjin LiChengDa Chemicals Co

所 属 网 库:天津化工网库

联 系 人:温静

员 工 人 数:未知

主 营 产 品:钛白粉 立德粉 硼酸 丙烯酸 乙二醇 燃料 硝酸钠 硫酸钡 烧碱

公 司 地 址:中国 天津 天津市 天津市南门外大街富顿大厦1号楼

联 系 电 话:86-022-02227214948

电 子 邮 箱:

邮 政 编 码:300000

移 动 电 话:18722....点击此处可查看手机号

公 司 传 真:

注 册 资 金:未知

经 营 模 式:私营独资企业 ;招商代理

主 营 行 业:钛白粉 钛氧化物 综合性公司 化工原料代理加盟 食品添加剂 其他未分类


    Tianjin LiChengDa Chemicals Co., Ltd是经国家工商部门批准注册的经营钛白粉、立德粉、硼酸、丙烯酸、乙二醇、燃料、硝酸钠、硫酸钡、烧碱的私营独资企业,Tianjin LiChengDa Chemicals Co., Ltd具备钛白粉、立德粉、硼酸、丙烯酸、乙二醇、燃料、硝酸钠、硫酸钡、烧碱的招商代理资格。Tianjin LiChengDa Chemicals Co., Ltd总部设在天津。Tianjin LiChengDa Chemicals Co., Ltd优质的产品质量,广阔的市场前景,丰厚的代理待遇,强大的代理优势,让您创业投资不再难。Tianjin LiChengDa Chemicals Co., Ltd热诚欢迎各位有志之士前来实地参观和考察。 The Tianjin LiChengDa Chemicals Co., Ltd is a group of company based in Tianjin as costal city in China with strong convenient transportation and plenty resource. We own the right to export and import autonomically. Our main area of activity is supplying for rubber, painting, pharmacy, electronics, cable, cosmetic, ceramics, glass, paper-making, ink, printing and dyeing, steel making, feed-stuff, and other areas. We are with a mission to offer quality products, caring customer support, innovative products and continuous improvements as the enterprise culture. Our advantaged are: 1 Total commitment to quality 2 Multiple products, suppliers & markets 3 Competitive prices and timely deliveries 4 Our experienced personnel jointly work 5 Extend personalized service to clients Sincerely we long for cooperation with our customere from all around the world to creat brillient future!
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网评:Tianjin LiChengDa Chemicals Co坐落于中国 天津 天津市 天津市南门外大街富顿大厦1号楼,主营行业是氧化物。
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